Meteor View Manager

Update This package just got mentioned in Meteor weekly 🙂 Update This package is now BLAZE ready, the new render engine of meteor, therefor there are some syntax changes. The view-manager package works like the Session object in meteor, but has some handy features. To place a template somewhere, just add the {{DynamicTemplate placeholder=”myKey” context=myData}} helper somewhere and then call: View.set(‘myKey’,’myTemplateName’); This will render template in its place. You can call View.set(‘myKey’,false); to remove it. Additionally you can pass an object to give it data context e.g: This context will then be merged with the context passed in template (dynamic content overwrites template set context) View.set(‘myKey’,{ template: ‘myTemplateName’ context: …

Meteor template animation helper

UPDATE 04.06.2015 Better use the new template animation helper, which uses ui_hooks to start animations: UPDATE 23.10.2013 You can now also pass a template name to the {{AnimateTemplate “…”}} helper, this will render the template in place, switching a hidden class to animate on the element(s) with the class animate. Additionally the data context of this template gets the _templateAnimationKey, so you can manually fade the template out. To do that call the following inside a helper or event of that template: Update made BLAZE ready, the new render engine of meteor View/Session.set(this._templateAnimationKey, false); If you’re inpatient check out atmosphere. I love meteor for its simplicity, but there is …